

The Pig and The Sheep

One day a shepherd discovered a fat Pig in the meadow where his Sheep were pastured. He very […]

The Lion and a Clever Fox

Long ago, there lived a lion in a dense forest. One morning his wife told him that his […]

The Ant and The Dove

On a hot day of summer, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some […]

The Four Smart Students

One night four college students were out partying late night and didn’t study for the test which was […]

Hundred Gold Coins & Birbal

The wisdom of Birbal was unparalleled during the reign of Emperor Akbar. But Akbar’s brother in law was […]

Fox and The Goat

Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried his […]

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