

Eklavya’s Loyalty

This is the story of a long-gone era. In the country of India, nearly five thousand years back, lived […]

Lazy Donkey

Bhola owns a donkey called Khandya. Bhola is a very tolerant and kind master. The donkey is lazy […]

Father and the Donkey

Banwarilal is a simple soul who believes whatever he is told. The village boys are aware of this […]

Birbal’s Khichri (Rice)

On a cold winter day, Akbar and Birbal took a walk along the lake. A thought came to […]

Pundit and Rich Man

There was Pundit in the village. He was well-versed in all Scriptures. He knew everything, but, he was […]

The Cracked Pot

A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which […]

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